BEAN: keepin it real since 1981

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cleansing the mind, body and .....bowels?

I was so tired on Saturday night I slept for 12 hours!!!! I haven't done that in SO long.
It was all because of the Animal Humane Society Walk for Animals on Saturday - Granny, Beeah, Chelsea and I walked the 5 miles all for the little furry ones.
I was really disappointed that Carmela couldn't go with, she has her semi-yearly period. Nice timing, Piggy.
We would have taken my Aunt's dog Ridge, but he pulls really really hard on the leash and I was the only one who wanted to take him. So I got out voted.
It was a blast nonetheless. Another plus is they serve the animal friendly vegetarian hotdogs - so I had two :)

While we were in the car on the way to the animal walk - there were these awesome songs on the radio - so we were all singing to them and passing a fake mic around the car for every part - yes we are nerds - but anyways, She's like the wind, by Patrick Swayze - you know the song from every girls favorite Dirty Dancing. Well, we were all singing it and acting out all of the words in movements (shut up - it was fun!) and we decided that we should make a music video of our "band" - singing and acting out the words to awesome 80's songs. Granny on lead vocals (for some songs - me for some others), Me on the drums/lead vocals, Beeah on the dorky keyboards and Chelsea on bass/accordion. I guess you had to be there - but it was the funniest thing in the whole world! And we even had a name : Granny and the girls. Love it!

Trav and I start our 7 day detox liver and colon cleanse today. Sounds exciting, huh? I know!
It's just this little kit that has two 7 day cleanses in it - one for me and one for him. It's not a liquid drink nor does it have any fasting involved. Just three sets of pills with fiber and cleansing properties that you take at various times in the day.
p.s you poo a lot.

We are cutting down our portions - a lot! It's been easier than I thought my portions are not that big to begin with - but it's still day one. This is something that Trav really wants to stick with. I'm helping him by doing it with him.

We are also starting our new nightly regime of : leg lifts, sit ups, push ups, wall sits, and some yoga (for me).
It only takes about 30 mins to get all this stuff done (cept the yoga) - and no tennies or clothing required. So it works for us. I'm still walking with Carmela everyday (she has to pee ya know) and doing yoga every other day.

We also took an hour yesterday to meditate. It was really fun and interesting. I didn't' think I would be able to clear my mind that much - but it totally worked! It's like a dream - but you are still awake. I also pictured things differently than I do in my dreams. Trav really goes deep. He has a special knack for meditating. It really helps him hone in on his thoughts and concentrate. He's a little on the psychic side - well a lot I think - and meditation helps him get on that wavelength - its seriously spooky how accurate his feelings and thoughts are.
Like yesterday - about an hour after we were done - out of the blue he says "The Kentucky Derby just popped into my head, I think the winner had the name Barbarosa." We tried to find something about it on TV, but there was nothing and we were both too lazy to go to the computer to find out. We kinda just forgot about it. So today, Trav buzzed me and says " Hey, I just looked up the Kentucky Derby - it was on Saturday - the winner's name was Barbaro".

CREEEPY!!!! Seriously - how do you explain that?

I bought two new books on meditation a couple weeks ago - I haven't' read all the way through them yet, but this stuff seriously interests us - it's fun and relaxing. While I was meditating - I saw Trav's baby picture (that was the only thing in color), and I saw an outline of a baby's face (kinda fuzzy like an ultrasound) then I saw a dove. and In between all of them I would see a tree. For about 10 seconds everything went white and my body started tingling and I saw a big white eye - and it blinked once really slowly - and that was it. Weird I know - but it was SO cool. I didn't expect anything my first time - I must be special :)

Posted by Katrina :: 2:47 PM :: 1 Chortles

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