BEAN: keepin it real since 1981

Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekend's are meant to be relaxing!

Wow - I know it's really contradicting to say this - but I'm kinda glad to be back at work.
Not for the work - or the people - but this is about the most downtime I have had in the last 3 days.

Plus I got here really early today and got all my work done so my boss has nothing to tell me to do. Because of that I'm feeling extra cocky today.

Break it down now......

Friday was great - We went to dinner with Jessica, Lonnie and Macy at Cali pizza kitchen - that was awesome! Trav had never been there before - he really liked it. We ate and talked for almost 2 hours!
It was a blast - we have to do it again soon!
After that Trav and I headed to Best Buy and he got the new Star Wars computer game. His buddies are jealous :)

Saturday - Stacy, Kari and I spent the craptastic day doing extra filing that I needed to get done here at work. We did a ton! But I still need to finish the rest this week. Barf!

Trav on the other hand was in heaven - His computer finally arrived! it came at 9:30 AM! He actually took a shower before he opened the boxes - so that his beloved would stay untainted. He is ecstatic to say the least.

Sunday - up at 7:30 to get ready and drive to Duluth for my friend Mandy's baby shower which started at 11.
I gave Kari a ride back too, and Stacy rode with so it would be a girls trip.
I made it to the baby shower at 11:15 and was done at 1:30. It was nice to see Mandy, too. Her baby boy Gavin Ryan is due on March 13th. I'll be going up to visit again when he's here.

After that I spent a couple hours at my Grandparent's house talking with my Gram about decorating and my Grandpa's surgery bills ($80,000 so far- eeek!). My Grandpa was working at their computer trying to get their new speakers to work and their new monitor hooked up. It only took him an hour.

Then I picked Stacy up and we headed home. Talking the whole way - doing what we do best :)
Check Stacy's blog for a lovely poem she posted just for me :)
Love ya!

Posted by Katrina :: 10:54 AM :: 4 Chortles

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

To tired to type

Not much to blog about today......

I fell asleep at work last night while I was reading my chapter for class tonight.
That was awesome.

Made a crotch doctor appointment - finally - since my yearly was supposed to be done in September.

Trav still has a boner for his computer. We saw a FedEx truck turn down our street as we were leaving this morning, so we had to turn around and go see if it stopped at our house.
Yeah, I know.

I had a killer lunch today: Organic Cream of Tomato soup, Kashi crackers, mango and sugar snap peas. It was great.

Work still sucks. Weather is getting warmer. Can't wait til I don't have to wear socks.

Remind me if I forget to write more about and post pics of Carmela - she is getting to be a total porker!
Not totally though, she was just really skinny before despite ALWAYS having food in her dish,
so I started mixing her dry kiblets (if that's even a word) with some wet food of the same brand and type. I would do this in the morning and in the evening everyday - mixing just enough for her to eat in one sitting because she WOLFS it down. I just wanted her to gain a little more weight because she really looked skinny and I hated feeling just her spine when I went to pet her.
So we've been doing this for a few weeks now and last night we noticed that she's totally getting
chubby! It's so adorable - but I just have to show you the pictures so you see the difference.
I'm sure things will even out once she starts being able to run around outside again.

My little fatty!

Posted by Katrina :: 2:17 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And then there were three...

Last night was a good night.
Trav found out that his puter shipped a day early - so now he can't contain himself.
I'm pretty sure he thinks of nothing else. Saturday is when it's scheduled to be delivered - it can't come soon enough. He asked me last night "Where do you think my computer is now?" " I bet it's in Chicago already."
I replied, "I don't know, Honey, but it's on it's way." He's so freakin' cute.
This morning he had us listening to his Bob Marley CD in the car, singing "Baby, don't worreh, 'bout a thing. Cuz every little thing, s'gonna be allright."

He's so happy.

We also got to FINALLY see our wedding video last night. Thank you, Mom! We got your package! Trav and I snuggled on the bed, popped in the DVD and watched the whole 7 minutes!
Hee hee hee :) See - Vegas weddings just get right to the point!
It was great though. Loved every minute of it!

I got some goodies from the grocery store last night as well. I went to Whole Foods and filled my cart with good organic natural foods. I LOVE that store so much! They have tons of new and unique foods - but mostly because they give out a ton of free samples of food! Last night I had samples of : fresh strawberries, fresh pineapple, chocolate covered walnuts, three kinds of cheese, some onion and herb dip, pasta sauce, honey dijon kettle chips (which I bought), cereal, cheese curls, and cinnamon flavored pita chips. Did I mention I love that store?

You'll never guess what what I made for dinner last night.........

Pancakes and SAUSAGE!

well, not real sausage. Did I get you going there for a second? It's vegan "sausage" made from soy protein and some other stuff. Amy made it for us the last time we were up in Duluth and it was great, but they don't carry it at Cub (where I usually go). I get a kick out of the brand name of the sausage, get this - it's Gimme Lean. Get it? Instead of Jimmy Dean.


Posted by Katrina :: 3:53 PM :: 0 Chortles

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back from outerspace.....

Since my last post - I will admit the weather outside has "warmed" up a bit, though I can't say the same for the chill that still exists in my workplace.

I'm over the trust issues and whatnot, I just look at everyone here totally different - and not in a good way.

Stacy and I ended up deciding on going to Duluth this weekend. She originally was going up to pick up her little sis Kari, she has the week off school and wanted to come down to hang out in the cities for the week. The only change was that we went up early so that we could go out with Erin and Kate on Saturday night.

We went out in our usual girls night fashion, with cleavage bared, first to Grandma's in West Duluth, then to Stargate.
I decided to do my hair in the new "fauxhawk" style, a la Naima from America's next top model, or Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas, but I couldn't find a picture of her.
Anyway, It looked awesome!

I think it was a bit too much for the Duluth crowd, though. I got some questionable looks from the locals at Grandma's. The main staple for style up there is a baseball hat and/or a mullet,
so picture a short chubby girl with a shiny shirt and her hair ratted up into the shape of a mohawk stumbling towards the bathroom, in a room filled with Carhart wearing beer drinkers.
I need not say anymore.

The liquor was flowing and apparently so was my mouth. Even I have no idea where some of the shit I say comes from.
We spent Sunday morning reminiscing about the previous nights events and of course some of my crazy antics. I hit both extremes that night - complete and utter bitch - and - roll on the floor hilarious. Tune into Stacy's blog soon for more details - she's in charge of posting about our outings - but she hasn't done so as of yet.

What can I say? Gotta love me :)

Got a big night planned ahead of me.....

grocery shopping and picking up curtains at Ikea - whoopiddy doo!
good thing I wore comfy shoes today.

Beeah's 17th Birthday is tomorrow - I'm going to color and perm her hair for her.
Happy Birthday Beeah!

If anyone is bored out there - you should check out this new painter I just discovered. His name is Mark Ryden, I saw one of his paintings on Miami Ink and then googled him to look at some more of his work.
It. is. AWESOME!
Seriously this dude is killer!
My favorite painting of his (so far) is called The Creatrix.

Check it out!

Posted by Katrina :: 3:31 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Could it BE any colder outside?!

Geezus it's freezing out there!

I think one of my nipples froze off on my way home from work!

I'm posting twice today because I forgot to tell you about my experience this morning.

It all starts with last night, after Stacy and I got done eating at Olive Garden, we went to Target so I could pick up a gift for my friend Amanda's baby shower. On the way out the door I went to put my mittens on - and one was missing :(


So this morning when I went to take Carmela out, I discovered the frozen tundra that had developed outside.
I bundled up to leave for work and I wore Trav's giant man gloves since one of mine ran away.
I took the garbage out on my way to the car and when I flung it into the dumpster the big fingers of Trav's glove got caught in the plastic handle of the garbage bag and it ripped the glove right off my hand and it went strait into the frigid dumpster with the garbage.


So I climbed in.

With my short little legs flailing about from the lid of the dumpster, I was able to reach down the the bottom and retrieve the naughty glove.

fuggin eh, it's cold!

Posted by Katrina :: 4:52 PM :: 2 Chortles

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To do list

- sleep

- clean

- shop

- tie up loose ends

- eat

- find a new job

- enjoy time with those who mean the most to me

- catch up on reading, relaxing and with my creative side

- seriously, find a new job

Posted by Katrina :: 2:40 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Do we ever really know each other?

trust (trst)
1. Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing

* just to preface this a bit, I have been awfully cynical lately and a bit jaded towards people in general, but this post has nothing to do with anyone who reads it - just so you know and so you don't take anything personally. Thanks for understanding.

I have never really been someone who trusts others easily. When I do let my guard down and trust someone - it's a big me anyways.

There has been so much CRAP going on at my work lately, that I don't even know what to believe anymore.
All I know is almost everyone here is completely untrustworthy, fake, backstabbing, gossipy, and will turn on you without the slightest blink of an eye.

I just needed to vent a bit - it just sucks and is really disheartening when you find out that the people you thought that you knew for the last 4 years are totally fake and backstabbing.
makes you think about how well you really know the people around you.

When did people stop valuing integrity, character, and respect? The lack of those elements in some people is disgusting to me.

Like a said before, it takes a lot for me to be able to trust someone. Even I thought that my beliefs on trust were a bit harsh - just because of my past experiences..........

.....sometimes it sucks to be right.

Posted by Katrina :: 3:30 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Travie's big day!

Today Trav finally got to order his computer! He has been waiting patiently(sometimes) for so long - and now it's on it's way :)

Actually it is being built this week and it ships out on 2/22.

Not too much longer!

He also received his Valentine's Day present today - it came in the mail. It's the Durmstrang book bag that he wanted. He is elated with everything!

my spoiled little husband :)

I love you.

Posted by Katrina :: 3:00 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Question # 17 - LAST ONE!

This is it folks - the last of my Questions of Reflection. I hope you enjoyed them - I hope they helped you answer questions about your own life as they did mine.
I thought it only appropriate to answer this last question - which is about *love*
on Valentines Day. How very festive of me :)

Question #17 How do I want to love and be loved? What is my definition of a wonderful marriage, partnership, or love affair? How close have I come to finding that relationship? What is left for me to know or do in order to attract the love I want?

I want to be loved - period, but more precisely, I want to (need to) be appreciated and needed. I want to be the rock you lean on when things are tough and I want to be held like a baby and rocked to sleep when I need support. I want and give trust, honesty, respect, understanding - but most of all - fun.
I'm not a very serious person and if something is not enjoyable - then I don't want to have anything to do with it.
That goes for all relationships, too. Friendships, acquaintances, co-workers, etc...
Who would want to spend their days in boredom, stress or anger?
Trav and I have the same sense of humor - we can just look at each other and start giggling. Trav is seriously hilarious! He makes me laugh - huge belly laughs - all the time. Whether it's belting out Aladdin's "A Whole New World" in the car or walking around the house in just his boxers, socks and Chuck Taylors. He's the best :)
I give the same in return - if there is one thing I am great at - it's making people laugh. I'm as goofy as they come - literally.
I love what we have together.

A wonderful marriage, in my opinion, is one where happiness is abundant and love is so present that it need not be expressed in words or gestures - because you can just see it and feel it.
Friendship is a priority in a good Marriage, my Husband is my best friend, he is my favorite fellow movie buff, dinner companion, and the best at just hanging out with me. I swear we can read each other's minds! I can't tell you how many times a day we say - "I was just thinking that.", "You read my mind." or "I was just going to say that."
I love that we know each other so well and that we love just being together.
Marriage is also a partnership. You are a team building a life together. That's why your spouse means so much to you and the love never stops - because you are still there for each other and your get to live the life you built - together. You experience all the milestones - together. Children, Careers, Family, Hardships, Houses etc...It means so much more when you get to celebrate the good things together and so much more helpful when you know there is always that someone helping you through and supporting you during the hard times. It's the little things AND the big things. It's all wonderful when you have someone there holding your hand, looking at you and simply saying "I know."

Posted by Katrina :: 12:11 PM :: 0 Chortles

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Friday, February 10, 2006

New tattoo

I have been waiting FOREVER to get this tattoo!
Finally we got some extra money (taxes!) and Trav and I each got each other a little something.
Mine is this new tattoo!

It's actually an original drawing by yours truly.
I was going to use one of the drawings that Trav's sis busted out for me - but I just couldn't get away from the one I made.
The artist cleaned it up a bit - making it straight and even - but all and all it's my design.

It's my own variation of the symbol for the planet Jupiter, which is Sagittarius' ruling planet. Jupiter in Sagittarius rules knowledge, spirituality, wisdom and luck.

I wanted some sort of tattoo that represented my astrological sign since I am the epitome of a Sagittarius - but the sign for the super Sag, is a boring old bow and arrow. Barf.
I tried for years to make a bow and arrow into something unique and cool - but I just couldn't come up with anything great.

Yes, I know it looks like a curvy # 4, but I really like that about it because it's my 4th tattoo.
I love it mostly because I drew it myself and I know that no one else out there has the exact same thing. Plus it looks awesome!

If you can't tell from the pic - it's on the inside of my right wrist. Which I found out is really sensitive - it hurt like a bitch - but it didn't take a long time - so it was totally worth it.

I want more!

Posted by Katrina :: 11:18 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Brand spankin'

Fresh off the press : Jessica's blog

Check it to wreck it, party people - This is my friend Jessica's brand new blog!
If you like my blog - you'll love hers. Not to mention all the gorgeous pics of her 6 month old beauty previously featured on your current blog of choice.

P.S. Nancy - could you please add Jessica's blog to my links list? Thank you!

Looking forward to our date Jess! Talk to you later!

Posted by Katrina :: 10:45 PM :: 0 Chortles

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This is great

Posted by Katrina :: 4:33 PM :: 1 Chortles

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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What's that smell?

Organic Split Pea Soup - with crackers

First impression:
Looks like poo

Second impression:
Smells like puke and poo combo


Holy monkey! I am so full from lunch. I just had one bowl of soup and I am toast! Seriously, I was a little leery about eating the soup - I have had split pea soup before and I loved it - that's why I bought this. Despite it's smell and appearance - it tasted great! Good investment on my part, thank you thank you. I thought people were going to kill me because I stunk up the joint with my mid-day meal that resembled concentrated evil. Turns out they all knew exactly what it was before I even pulled it out of the microwave. I guess it has one of those distinct smells - like bellybutton, vomit or Swiss cheese.

Then everyone who recognized the stench decided it was appropriate to interrupt my only break time to tell me about their experiences with their own favorite green gooey soup.

Did I ever tell you that 95% of the people I work with are idiots?


How do you like the new template? Nice, huh? Thank you to Nancy, my most favorite Mother-in-law, for her talents and ability to create the coolest blog template in the world!
I love it!

Trav and I did our taxes online on Friday - Let's just say we are REALLY excited to see our bank account in 8-15 days! Woo Hoo!
We wanted some help with our taxes because we weren't sure which credits we qualified for and whatnot, so we went to H&R Block Thursday night after school/work, and we told the guy there that we knew how to do it on our own but we just needed a little help with the credits we qualified for. So he gave us some FREE advice about education credits - and it pretty much doubled our return that we thought we were getting!
When we asked him why he just told us that stuff for free, his response was "It's called Karma, and I like to keep mine good."
What a good egg :)
He's got some good karma coming his way.

We had a good superbowl weekend. We pigged a bit as I'm sure everyone else did. Trav only got to play in one tournament - but he took 8th place and got his money back - so it was just good fun.

Yesterday in class we did this exercise where we paired up and just listened to the other person for three minutes - without saying a word. and then vice versa.
It was so hard not to speak and respond to what the other person was saying - but it was all about listening and really allowing the other person to say all they needed to say.
But anyway - in the process I found that the person I was paired up with, Eric, who is also in my group, got married in October too! He and his wife were married in St. Louis Park, at the same place that Trav and I were considering having our reception if we were to have married in MN. Weird, huh?
So we found we had that in common and then we just kept talking about honeymoon destinations and whatnot - they went to Jamaica - and I was telling him Trav and I were talking about going to Belize.

All that newlywed crap.

Posted by Katrina :: 1:47 PM :: 4 Chortles

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Question #16 - 1 more left!

Question#16 Do I see success as a lavish banquet or a scarce commodity? When a good friend triumphs - do I feel depleted - as if there are a limited number of successes to go around? Is it possible to turn my envy into "this means I can do it" feeling?

Yes, I know it has been forever since I started this but there is only 1 more left!
So bear with me.....

I firmly believe that success has a different meaning for everyone.
For some people - success is going a day without a cigarette. For others it's getting a position in upper management with a Fortune 500 company.
It all depends on what makes you happy. I believe that happiness is success. As long as I'm happy I'm successful.

I definitely have a "this means I can do it" attitude. I have been in positions where things seem so far away or unattainable at the time, but when friends or colleagues make it possible - it seems more real and attainable.

You can have a million dollars and a very important job with a big company and still be unhappy, but there will be people, maybe even those closest to you who think you have no reason to be unhappy, because you are their idea of "successful."

You just have to go with your gut and do what's right for you. Whatever makes you happy makes you successful.

Posted by Katrina :: 12:43 PM :: 0 Chortles

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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mama Love

My weekend was good - Carmela and I did some hardcore snuggling :) We needed it though - we don't always get to spend a lot of time together - just the two of us - and I know how much daughter's (even furry ones) need their Mama's lovin'.

Stacy and Kiana came over from Saturday until Sunday - we did arts and crafts, highlighted Stacy's hair and rearranged my living room. Good times.
Trav and I really need to either have kids of our own or get some more kid oriented stuff at our house because Kiana was awfully bored when we weren't doing something. Poor little thing.

But, a lot got accomplished - which always feels good.

Staying home from work on Monday was great - I love watching TLC daytime TV. A Baby Story and A Wedding Story - I spent the morning in tears. But I loved it.

It's always nice to come back to work after missing even just a day - because everyone begs me never to take a day off again - they just can't handle it around here without me! It makes a girl feel good. I guess you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. I just wish that they appreciated me like that everyday. Turds.

Trav should be getting his new computer soon! He is so excited about it! He's going to order it right after a poker tournament this Saturday - he actually has two - one Friday and one Saturday. He could win an extra $6-800 to put towards his new puter! So he's going to play and then order.

I finally talked to my Mom last night.

I called my Brother, Jess, and he said that he had a number where I could reach my Mom - so I called it and talked to her for almost an hour. I pretty much just yelled at her. We were both bawling. I just couldn't help it - it all needed to come out. I still feel SO bad about having to yell at her like that - but she needed to hear it. All this time I have been so forgiving and telling her that it's ok. But, I just couldn't take it anymore. I hadn't heard from her in almost 6 weeks. I didn't even know where she was at Christmas. It just kills me inside every time I think about her. I can't even think about her without choking back tears.
I told her that I can't do this anymore - that she needs to come back here so I don't have to worry about her. I told her that I keep thinking I'm going to get a phone call saying that she's dead. I told her that I need to know that she's ok and that she's making it.
She just kept bawling and saying how sorry she is and that she misses me too and how proud she is of me.
I told her that I am jealous of all my friends because at least they get to see their Moms. I haven't seen her in a year and 1/2. My friends get to hug their Moms, hang out with their Moms, go shopping with them and just have somewhere to go and just be with them.
It's so hard to even think about how long it's been. I can't even talk about her without getting that deep ache in my heart.
Stacy and I were driving to Duluth - I think it was for Erin's B-Day and New Year's. We wanted to listen to a mix CD that I made and the song "Butterfly Kisses" was on there. Which was a song that my Mom always said was "our song"- even though it's about a Father and Daughter.
It just hit me so much harder listening to it after my Mom missed my wedding.
Stacy and I were both bawling. It was so hard for me to stop - but I knew if I didn't that I could just cry forever. Christmas, Mother's day and that song - I just can't stop crying.

I told my Mom all this and I told her that I am just so sick of having to worry about her. It hurts and its stressful. She just kept apologizing.

I feel horrible for having to say that stuff to her and her being the one on the other end saying how sorry she is.

I'm sorry too. I wish I could take care of her. I have thought about moving down there so many times, but I just can't. I wish I had a better job and a lot of money to help her out - get her an apartment and a car.

Right now I just wish I could hug her. I wish I could smell her "Mom" smell. I wish I could just laugh with her.

I pray so hard for her every night. I know that everything happens for a reason. It's just really hard right now.

It makes me really appreciate everyone that I have in my life. My husband and Carmela bring me so much happiness - I love them so much - they are everything to me.
My friends and extended family are the greatest. I don't know what I would do without them.

But, there is just something missing.....

No matter how old you are or how strong you are...everyone needs a Mama.

Posted by Katrina :: 7:18 PM :: 3 Chortles

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