BEAN: keepin it real since 1981

Friday, July 14, 2006

Keep on-a rockin' me bay-beh

Hey eRRybody, I know it's been fer- ever. Not too much to post about but I figured I can't keep my public waiting too long or my adoring public will become someone else's adoring public :)

Here is a pic of Stace and I last Sunday at our friend Adam's house - we went to see him perform at the 90's - he was AWESOME. I love the 90's, I always feel so comfortable there. But, alas it was a Sunday and we couldn't stay out too late.

I'm BEET red in this picture - my face looks mostly normal because I'm wearing about an inch of makeup. We had gone tubing at the Apple River the day before, and because we are so smart - didn't put on sunscreen because it was cloudy when we first got there - then the sun came out. I'm fine now - just itchy and peeling. Borderline leprosy.
Travie is still not so good - he actually had the worst of it cuz he's so fair - he's still in the pain stage - and he's still pink :) I teased him and said now his arms and legs match his nipples. HA!
We were standing in the bathroom together and I said to him "If people saw us together like this, you know what they would call us?" "What?" he said, and I said " The Pink Ladies." Hee hee.

Ahhhhh so I have the weekend all to myself, Trav went to Duluth with Simon to visit his muchachos and play a little poker. Carmela and I just got back from shopping. I bought her a new bigger crate and of course another toy.

I have been SO busy with my new job - AND I LOVE IT! It is beyond perfect for me. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be in an organization that is run so smoothly and by such great people - and they appreciate me and love me and need me - I'm hooked for life :) Seriously - it's that great.

I know this is random - but ya know what I thought about today? There should be a Netflix type of thing for books. I would do that.

Anyways, I'm off to Duluth next weekend after the trade show I have to be at for work. Slim Stacy and I are hitting the D town nightlife - they need a little shake up, donchathink?

Off to eat leftovers, shave my legs, lotion up, and go to sleep early! Tomorrow..... more shopping!

I leave you with the kind flowing words of the Bob of Marley:

"Baby, don't worr-eh bout a thing, cuz every little thing, is gonna be alright"

Have a happy weekend!

Posted by Katrina :: 7:43 PM :: 14 Chortles

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