BEAN: keepin it real since 1981

Monday, April 10, 2006

Back in action

I'm not even going to talk about how long it's been since I've posted. Let's just pretend it hasn't been as long as it has.

okay, on with the posting.

I'm really excited for today - this week in fact. It's sort of a new beginning. We are finished with the transition of new jobs, I don't have school this week, and I've found, hired and trained in the new Evening Receptionist. So what does all this have to do with a "new beginning"? All of this means, my friends, is that Trav and I are now able to get home at the same time = 6:00. I don't know if any of you know what this means to us. For over a year, Trav has left work at 8:30PM; and due to our having just one car, that means I didn't leave until 8:30 either.
Let me tell you folks, not so much fun staying at work for 11 hours then getting to spend about an hour at home before you have to go to bed and get up to do it all over again.
Not to mention - eating dinner at 9ish = not so great for your waistline.

Which brings me back to the original intention of this post.

I know this may come to a surprise to some of you, but, I'm just going to lay all out : I Katrina Bean, am overweight.
I know, I know, I can already hear yours astonished gasps, but it is true.
Though you need not worry, adoring public, being the crafty little turd I am, I have established a plan. BWAAAHAHAHAAAAAA!

It's not an evil plan though, as that laugh may have implied. Just so you know.

As I stepped on my crappy, metal scale at home and watched the little needle sway FAR past the "Heifer" mark, a little piece of me died inside. I'm not one to concentrate on the amount I weigh - but rather by the way I look - or by the way my pants fit. It then dawned on me that my new favorite pants are the ones that are stretchy and flowy and my least favorite are the ones that have all those uncomfortable buttons and zippers and whatnot - you know the ones that you dread wearing to your sedentary job because of the marks they leave on your stomach at the end of the day. The ones where when you wear them - you actually dread lunchtime because then when you are full - you feel WAY too full and can't suck it in anymore? Yeah that's what I realized. (By the way I am wearing those pants today)

So in my effort to do something about it, I have honed in all the self control I can muster - and made myself a plan. A plan I can stick to - and a plan with a goal. An incredible incentive will (hopefully) be received in the end as well - but only a few special people know about it, and I'm not ready to mention it just yet. But, that's my motivation - and it's a good one :)

But anyway, telling you all about it is part of my plan. It will help me to know that other people will know if I fail - and I just can' t let that happen.
I have already acknowledged that this is going to be hard - actually I've already started and it IS hard! But it is defiantly something I can stick to, I'm confident of that. So that excites me - to know that even though it's hard, I can and will do it.
If I may, I need to request one thing from you all in Blogville; If I don't post about it (my plan) for sometime - like a week or so - I'm going to need you to bombard me with comments (which go into my email) - reminding me that I can do it and that I need to do it.

I'm not ashamed to ask for support - everyone needs it from time to time. I know myself, and I know when to ask for a deeply needed kick in the ass.

Thanks to all who are reading this, especially those closest to me. Things are going to get even better from here on out! I can't wait!

P.S. I just had to mention this because seriously - this is HUGE! So I started my plan, right, and guess what part of it is..... the part I already did........I freakin JOGGED, Man! Are you kidding me! I actually jogged! For a whole 20 minutes! AND SOME OF IT WAS UP HILL!

I KNOW!!!!!!!

Posted by Katrina :: 11:30 AM :: 1 Chortles

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