BEAN: keepin it real since 1981

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The 2nd time around

Even I didn't really believe that I could do it - but I did. I thought that I would wimp out and just walk the whole time - or not be able to do it for as long as the first time. Turns out - that doubt I had actually drove me to do it for longer! 30 minutes of really fast walking and jogging up the hills - and these aren't any weenie little hills, I tell ya. It kept me out of breath the entire time, which is great. Never did I think I would be saying that being out of breath is a great thing. Who knew?

There were a bunch of other people walking around the pond at that time - I haven't seen more than one person walking when I have gone in the past - but it was probably the time of day - just after work - you change into your work out clothes and do your daily walking before dinner. I guess sooner or later - you just become the "norm."
That sucks.

I think that the other people being there made me more motivated to keep up with the jogging parts - because no one else was jogging. I was secretly one-upping them.
I'm a turd. But hey, whatever works.

So I called my doctors office yesterday to see what the results were from the bloodwork I had done to test my thyroid hormone, blood sugar, glucose, cholesterol, tryglicerides etc....
Let me just interject by saying that the whole reason we decided to switch to a vegetarian lifestyle was because last spring (yes it's been a whole year that we have been vegetarian!), I went to have these same tests taken to diagnose my hypothyroidism. When the results came back, my cholesterol was 210 - which is considered "borderline high." So I researched how to lower cholesterol and Trav and I decided we would give the vegetarian thing a try and it stuck.
The point is - I became a vegetarian to lower my cholesterol - and now the new tests revealed that my cholesterol actually went up! 13 points!
Needless to say I was totally disappointed. I started reading on the internet about changing your diet and your cholesterol STILL being high. The stuff I read basically said that some people just genetically have higher cholesterol. So since mine is still considered "borderline high", I'm going to stick with being consistent with my plan. We are going to continue our vegetarian lifestyle because it fits and I like eating healthy - it makes me feel better.
That's just another motivational factor for me, to keep this going for a year and next spring see how I'm coming along. Only then, if it's still "borderline high" or moved into the "high" zone, will I consider medication to lower it.

The weather was excellent yesterday - perfectly sunny, warm, and breezy - compared to just a month ago:

BARF! Ick! I'm so glad that it's spring - I am fully taking advantage of these few months of warmth.

Speaking of - it was so warm yesterday - I guess warmer than anticipated because the building where we work - forgot to turn the heat off! So we were baking in here! Now the air conditioning is on - but it's been on all day - non-stop! So now we are freezing!!!!! Nice.

One last piece of information before I leave you: I truly am in love with my new laundry soap - it makes my clothes smell so good - I don't even need to wear perfume or lotion. Just thought you'd like to know.

it's Cheer Fresh linen by the way - in case you wanted to try it.

Posted by Katrina :: 2:56 PM :: 1 Chortles

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